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Sunday, May 27, 2007


There are cracks in the foundation of life that comes at the most unexpected times. They are often when we least expect them and can truly shake our confidence, leaving us aching from the consequences.

The more we are susceptible to moods, the more we can also find ourselves struggle with such fissures to our essence. One single event in a given day can either make it seem like heaven or hell.

That shouldn't dictate the nature of life, but sometimes we are just so vulnerable in that regard. It often isn't even our wish, but we just can't avoid such quakes to our moments.

When we face such crisis of thinking and spirit it is easy to feel that tug at one's soul to give up. And if we have had many situations of such natures, then we can find ourselves even more crushed by the even. It has a cumulative effect upon us. To the point that at times even a small event can when added to a heap of other such discouraging moments be more than enough to crush our spirit.

In such times our heart is heavy. We can feel so weakened and discouraged we never want to try again. And naturally there is the passion in reverse direction that whisper just forget everything.

This is even tougher in the spiritual realm. That is because of the fact that the life of faith doesn't follow the same logical pattern of experiences. Trusting God is not a type of existence that comes with any guarantees in this life.

One thing I do believe that is different, however, is that with God, his spirit can help us find the joy and wisdom of understanding that eludes in other such situations. It is the targeting moment of self realization that celebrates the identity of real meaning to life.

How many miss this opportunity. They play games and face life only in a vacuum tube of senses. Never seeing or understanding the life beyond where true reality exists.

Dealing with such people can be a struggle. For their frame of reference will only be tide to this life.

And for them there is no time beyond where there is a chance to savor the find of discovery that gives peace. You can spend a life time in valleys full of heartache and despair, but if the Lord is leading you will still find more peace and joy than those living in worldly paradises.

Thus is the ultimate truth that some will never appreciate. They will fight against it and when their own quakes come they will only bleed.

Better to have the joy of bandages given in love by God's grace. They never eliminate the scars, but do make the pain so much easier to accept.


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