There are so many levels and plateaus of discovery in life. And none of us will explore them all. It is difficult at times to come to some particular place of epiphany or insight and share it in a way others will always appreciate.
The more one travels the paths of spiritual illumination the greater can be the risk of facing such complications. That is for me because the spiritual realm is more about things relative to the soul and thus not of this world.
All this to me means is that the territory is not as easy to define in terms others will agree. And if you can't see the same location it makes it even harder.
God can guide us through such understanding by the power of his Holy Spirit. But Satan does carry his version of light that can confused.
It really doesn't matter if you do know the truth from the Lord if others refuse to accept it for a variety of reasons. Still, it can be most edifying and that in itself can be a blessing.
What I've always found most interesting is how many times the Lord guides the most unexpected sources down his paths of shining. He doesn't always choose what would seem to be an obvious candidate.
That isn't to say a pastor or other voice for the Lord can't be legitimate, but God doesn't restrict himself in all cases to those who bear the title Reverend or Doctor. I believe it does use that avenue, but does only use such methods.
Of course if one isn't of that usual forms of religiosity such as a seminary it is at times less likely the person will necessarily be viewed as credible. And one does have to make allowances for those whose heart might be in the right place, but God didn't not call to a given role of speaking for him.
For me the essence lies in whether the person truly is being faithful to wanting to make the Lord the center of their calling. You can have a great talent for public speaking or some other gift of dealing with people, but it doesn't necessarily mean God anointed to represent him.
In the end, does what the person find truly agree with what God has already said? Can it be said to conform to his reveal word?
That isn't an easy question to answer because I've have heard so many people talk about listening to some person preach and they say the individual teaches the bible. However, simply quoting scripture or ending up with the person giving a wrong meaning of God's word doesn't qualify as meaning the speak for the Lord.
Beyond that to me is the issue of whether person spends their time more concerned with building numbers for his church than building souls. God prefers the latter since Jesus is suppose to be the Lord of the harvest.
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