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Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Some only see a chamber of four simple walls and one window,
but they are for me a hiding space of limitless boundaries,
a figment forged bridge to the lucid marshlands of enchantment and ecstasy
where I soothe my weary soul till it touches tales of clouds and stars
others never hear or feel from the sensory drone of alabaster plaster.

Sleep is the only hunger visitors feed in my little space
as it lies passed the nurturing shelter of our home's kitchen and tables,
who never sense in the confines seen any of its tranquil tug as refuge's allure
yielding inwardly, so intensely, a calming requiem to life's fractured flickers
burdening breath between morn and dusk.

It is where I alone have been able silence the dogs of distraction
and create worlds and life more vibrant and alive
than the what exists outside my window.

So, I joyfully tolerate their dazed looks of huh?
Smiling politely while sharing my inventive utopia masquerading as a room
gleefully exhaling later the moans of lament
silently and joyously taking the muse's hand
till I am lost in paradises residing outside any hour's fret and fury.

But most of all, searching eyes never cleansed by fantasia's wash
vainly peek with their spiritual detachment into the smallness
fathoming only the functional charade of a study,
which I cherish as the lost horizon of incarnate dreams.

I smile at their blissful ignorance because the lock and key
only between my ears.


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