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Monday, January 15, 2007


I recently took up riding a bicycle on days off from my regular routine. What has made this choice extra appealing was the bike path reasonably close to my house. It follows the path of this river, which for the most part is a riverbed without a lot of water.

But the area surrounding the riverbed is very scenic in parts. So for over seven miles I can peddle and enjoy the lush and diverse surroundings. Ones that have a wonderful soothing effect on my spirit.

Adding to this is the ability to use my small radio to augment the serenity with some of my favorite music. It keeps me tethered to the real world, but at the same time able to see a world apart of all my cares. For a short couple of hours I am alone along a path where cars can't intrude and at the times I ride there are few other travelers.

How much like my real life this journey has often seemed to be. I am alone for the most part of the time. I really have never been one for crowds. And I have hardly been popular either.

So being on this bike path to me so far away from others is not something I dread, but instead enjoy. Not that I hate the company of others, just that most of the time it hasn't always been a pleasant experience.

Out among the array of a natural setting, my thoughts often take on a more spiritual quality. I see in the harmony and quiet the hand of God working without fanfare to tend to the needs of man. And just like with life itself, often his handiwork eludes our thinking in other settings.

When I began these little detours in my life I didn't know what to expect. But God did show me the purpose in part. Which was to inspire.

Although the demands of the journey can be hard on my physically at times, I do find it comforting in its own way.

Outside of that refuge, I have to join the host of cars for the journey home, which is as far as traveling the bike path. All the traffic and more concrete landscape never has the same appeal or affect as those precious miles in more serene landscape.

Still, I know it too is part of the journey. Like the journey of faith, one has to accept it will take us places where we don't always wish to go.

But along the way, the comfort comes from knowing God is there. Of being able to see him in the moment and allow it to touch us in other times.

That is the scenery the mind unfolds with joy if we let it. Then God is able to speak to us even when we can't hear him as clearly over the distraction of a given day. Hopefully we never grow completely deaf in the process.


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