Crisis stabs the heart in merciless thrusts without any concern over our situation. And while the drums of circumstance pound their beat against our hearts, our mind's voice creates its own rhythm. Part of which can be the steady pace of questions starting with "why me."
I can't imagine there are too many people who haven't asked that question at one point in his or her live. We all know problems and difficulties happen to everyone. But it doesn't mean we don't mind if on a given situation the cup passes from our lips to another person.
I don't think that is a case of selfishness, it is more an instinct of survival from the pain. When the emergencies come too often it can definitely burden use with an ever greater sense of frustration.
Even though we survive such perils in most cases, it doesn't make us look forward to the next valley. Some will hate that possibility so much they will grab at any map they think will give them a detour from such situations.
Of course, such maps are often counterfeit. They are peddled by the messengers of dreams. Sometimes they can be more credible than others, but not truly offers a shield that will make a person invincible, no matter how much they insist their approach is flawless.
And if this particular peddler claims their map comes from God, we may, if we are creatures of faith and light, eagerly grasp for it. Being a Christian doesn't exclude a person having the same desires and dreams as anyone else.
But no matter the shield offered in terms of being covered in scriptural verses of promise or some metaphysical ramblings,, or dripping in the ink of positivism, none of it will ever take away the winds of tomorrow. They will blow as unpredictable as always and touch each life no matter how much we wish to avoid them.
We may not be able to avoid them. We may not even be able to find a path where there are fewer valleys than a path we prefer, but it doesn't mean we can't learn.
There are times when the soul must pause. We need the urgency of sighs to remind us of what is really important in life.
Eternity is the presence that will warm in such moments. That breath of what isn't mortal when inhaled into our lungs can refresh in such a special way if we grant it the chance.
That is the blessing that truly comes from the tears. A drought in such of sorrow's dew can be done through force of will. Some call it maturity. But if it deprives us of our vision of heaven are we really that mature?
In the heart we feel the witness of God in such times. Hopefully it will be a stroke that heals and lifts rather than leaves us cold.
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