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Friday, November 03, 2006


Sometimes a journey down memory lane can be a stagger instead of a waltz. The memory is so capable of getting clogged from imperfections.

And perceptions always intrude to give us some concept of truth in a given situation that may be totally skewed from the facts. If one is humble enough though, in the midst of such distortions, there can be light.

I sometimes wander back to the times of the past and what I thought was true. Then with time and more experience, the light comes that shines into that age and lets me know how I really wasn't as informed as I thought.

What I cherish is when despite my stumbling and bumbling is to have the Lord tap me on the shoulder and guide me to some benefit of understanding and insight. Then I can gaze back at the moment and feel it wasn't a complete error or mistake.

I've often marveled at how some people look upon a given weakness or flaw in one's character and decide it is worse than any others. I'm not sure that God views it the same way. I don't feel he has this list of sins ranking some worst than others.

True, the consequences to sin can be varied to oneself and others, but it is after all faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior that brings salvation and not our absence of sin. That fact won't keep some from having a list of wrongs they think are the unpardonable sin.

Unfortunately in such a filtered process of thought one remains in a daze when gazing at the past. It only tempers the merit of such a reflection till it no longer benefits.

To truly progress in one's relationship with the Lord, one has to understand in part one's real origins. I say that because so often there are drives and motives that remain a lingering undercurrent in our lives.

Without benefit of that knowledge our road map towards eternity can end up being written in disappearing ink. We can simply get detoured in terms of seeing the horizon as intended because of being trapped in some way station of denial.

I think one of God's most blessed gifts in that of giving us the gift of seeing the humor in our own mistakes. That isn't intended as an attempt to criticize ourselves or be negative. It is simply to be open to appreciating how we don't always have to wear the mask of our lies in order to face the Lord.

Some will embrace that reality in due season. Others will remain out in the field of their own invention, carefully counting weeds that they are proud belong to somebody else. It doesn't mean we shall all find the perfect path. But for some the temporary daze lifts when truly focusing on the Lord instead of oneself. May we all savor the moments when God forces us to see that daze for good and bad and be willing to listen when he guides us to another type of vision.


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