To be grace by God is to come to an awareness that life truly extends to eternity. That might seem like a strange observation, but I do think it is as odd as it might appear.
The question is how many times does life really demand our full attention whether it is for good or bad? Do we honestly spend that much time remember that eternity is really our destination? I doubt there would be quite as much need for devotionals if our minds were as able to actually dwell only on the eternal, but that isn't really possible.
Yet, even in the limitations of daily routine I think there are occasions where we lose out on a opportunity to see heaven in all things. It is so easy to get caught up on the physical realm and miss out on the layer of eternity that lingers just beyond our eyes.
But to appreciate it when have to do so with the power of the Holy Spirit. God's spirit inspires to let our eyes lose their natural sight and instead view a situation by more spiritual means. To be able to look beyond the layers of now and see God's hand as he often works behind the obvious.
To be sure there are plenty of occasions when one has no choice but to think in terms of the here and now, but we do need to be sensitive to when God is speaking to us in some special way.
So often we just seem to get preoccupied with the present. To only see problems in terms of this life and our individual needs.
God calls unto our heart and we often are too busy to hear. Instead of harps and heaven's song we grow deaf, totally consumed by the sound of our own heartbeats.
Mercifully, God doesn't hate us for the times when he do fail to hear what he is telling us. And thank goodness he will speak again. Only problem is the times when we don't listen are often followed by a more dramatic situation where he speaks to us louder in order to be sure he gets our attention.
Still the great joy is when we have paused in our race to survive and can see and hear more than just our own thoughts. The meaning, the sound, the pure rapture is without peer of experience. It is a moment to be cherished if we are willing to enjoy it as God intended.
Perhaps someday I'll even listen myself enough to where I won't need this kind of posting myself to remind of how I fall short in my own listening. Till then, I will do as hopefully we all need to do and stop on occasion to pause and pray for God's grace that helps strengthen my ears as well as the rest of my life.
Then as the day passes I won't need to feel the dark that comes is one covering my heart instead of just the sky. It is a time to be feel more than just survival. It is the moment of the touch eternal.
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