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Monday, August 07, 2006


The promise keeping, the promise dreamt. This is the vow within. A gentle nudge of the spirit to remember life is the sum total of days and not a single event.

Yet, neither does it end at the grave. So why do we only apply a scale to fairness in this life? God never promised justice would always take place in this life. But everything will be revealed in due season in eternity.

Still the heart does sing for reason. To be able to apply logic to the issue of cause an affect. For some happy ending when looking at deed and consequences. We coin such phrases as good winning over evil, crime doesn't pay and a host of other sayings intended to convey the idea that there truly can be justice sometimes in this life.

And sometimes there is. We do see when the system works and evil is punished. It just never is complete or universal. Most of us have been victims at some point in life. Such experiences never leave us content. Just frustrated.

Seeing this chaos is hard on any system of thought. It nags and digs t the soul with questions over why we can't find any equality or satisfaction in the scheme of life.

However, when seen through the eyes of faith, life has a different type of vision. We rejoice in knowing that the Lord who sees everything will bring balance to all that is in eternity.

That can be of a great comfort at times when you struggle on a path of identity that mainly carries you into the shadows. You can't travel such a path and do so with any opportunity for boasting. So the ego suffers in the process.

In the record of lives that were devoted to God that is found in the scriptures more than one person who was chosen by the Lord found themselves on the "till then" path. It isn't glamorous nor does it necessarily offer reward in this life.

But in the heart, if one is truly serving the Lord out of obedience without any other priority, shouldn't it be enough to know he is aware of the truth? Unfortunately, while the answer is yes, it doesn't mean people are willing to serve without attention. We should just please our Lord, but for some that is not enough.

For those without a vision for eternity who have only an obsession for now, they will always gauge life by the hear and now. Their idea of blessed will be drawn from how much wealth they have and how successful they are.

God's standard is different. He does have so much that awaits us in eternity if we are prepared in faith to wait for due season to reap in faith.

Along the journey we shall often find the footsteps of those who went before in one way or another. If we see them an know not their name, perhaps we can appreciate how footprints were more important because of what they did than who they belong too.


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