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Wednesday, August 02, 2006


I don't think I'll ever lose my sense of being completely dumbfounded over how some people appear to have an incredible power to be popular. With certain people it is easy to understand. They are just naturally likeable and fun to be around. You just sense their positive and upbeat nature and it truly warms. The person just oozes with the type of sincerity and honesty that it is easy to admire.

All of that is logical and easy to appreciate. What is harder to understand are the people who are obviously evil and yet adored as loving and caring people. It is like those they encounter are so totally blinded by the truth that they can't see the reality. And yet to you it is obvious.

You can't endure that kind of experience without ending up scratching your head to some degree. It is so hard to make any sense out of such situations.

And sadly it happens way to often in churches. You meet someone who is all smiles, but has a heart exposed by their hateful remarks. They are often revered in their churches and saintly people, yet when you get to know they, in reality they are the opposite. It is all illusion of false image for the sake of impressing and gaining approval.

When the opinion of men takes precedence over the spirit of god you get hypocrisy. And worse than that you get hate in the form of persecution so those defending a failed spiritual system and perpetuate its illusion and myth.

Why does God tolerate such despicable behavior when it is done in the name of our lord? I think in part it is an issue of accountability and obedience. It is to test our hearts and see whether we will care more for the Lord's truth or the nods of men. Many unfortunately give into this pressure for we all have the need to feel accepted.

I feel another element is that God, when someone has failed the test and given into lies, surrenders them to such lies. So when a person rejects grace in favor of the illusion of goodness, the Lord allows the person to have the god they truly worship in the sense of being popular.

In the end, such people, if they are saved at all enter heaven with nothing since they received their reward in this life. They look back and in their hypocrisy where God hasn't punished them and they think they are blessed. I've heard more than one person in such a position claim just that.

Meanwhile, the real kingdom of God continues on the face of the earth and those who seek to follow him for the right reasons become shadows in the pews. Those who are often ignored and rejected for being too immoral in the eyes of the self-righteous.

If you are like me and have been a victim of such abuse, then rejoice for you have joined the company of the real redeemed. We may not be the lights of attention in this life, but in eternity where only Jesus' light matters we will have the chance to praise it's shining.


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