That might seem like something that is impossible since light is normally something you see not hear. But what we can "hear" is the sound that comes from the result of where light shines. Basically, without wanting to make it too confusing, I'm speaking of light as a metaphor for God's truth. And to hear it is to listen to more than the words that people say.
To often if some spiritual leader uses the right set of words or simply quotes scriptures I've heard people say, "he preaches the word of God." On one level I'm sure it can be said that is true. But if you don't "listen" to what the person is saying in terms of interpretation you may not be able to know if what he is saying is God's truth or simply something that shines.
I can't think of the number of times I've come to appreciate the contrasts between the two and how few people I've seen who apparently even care. If they hear preaching that tells them what they want to hear, they are satisfied. It doesn't matter to them if it is true because they are happy with how the words shine with a light they prefer.
Admittedly, we are so prone as humans to give in to the pressure to conform to majority opinion. It is a social dynamic that is very common in lots of organizations and churches are no exception. That doesn't mean that they are correct or even attempting to be correct.
The fact that there is such a diversity in teachings and some contradict each other I think sadly demonstrates the reality of how not all the light being cast is from the Lord. He isn't the author of confusion. And as a result it becomes our burden to seek him above all else.
That includes following Christ even if it means it takes us into the shadows where some think God would never venture. When we truly embrace the truth that to please God has nothing to do with pleasing man in some situations then we can understand how there are times when the Lord leads us to places other than we think are correct.
Some of course put more priority on worrying about what others think. They could never be used of God to serve him in some ways because it would violate their sense of what is acceptable behavior for a Christian.
With the life of faith, freedom is above all being free to do what our Lord and Savior commands. And to truly be free in Christ means have the willingness to respect other's rights of choice at the same time. There is a difference evangelism and spiritual terrorism. One seeks out of love for the Lord to share Christ the other seeks for the purpose of control to force others to believe what that person believes.
Only in the heart can a person truly know which is the path he or she is following. The good news is if are following the light of God for the right reason then we shall hear his voice and not someone else's.
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