We are told in the scriptures at one point that “when we have done all, stand.” Basically when we have done with our hands what we know in our hearts is correct and proper we are to trust to the Lord for the results.
It is wonderful advice. I wish it were easier to do than to say. There are so many demons that can ruin one’s ability to “rest” in the Lord. Plus being human we can manufacturer a few without any help.
Like most people I’ve had my share of moments when impatience and fear have been mental and emotional hooks that drug me across a torn patch of anxiety. I has definitely been hard to turn off that furnace of worry when that happens too.
Which is part of why I wanted to share this posting, hopefully with the guidance of God’s spirit. For like so many aspects of faith and one’s relationship with the Lord we know that he is totally aware of our shortcomings in being able to do what he has admonished us to do.
That is more a pause to celebrate grace. How often I have thought of the times of the disciple and how often the Lord had to point out when they failed him. Yet he did not abandon them even when only John was present at his crucifixion. At least according to gospel accounts.
Is if the joyous flame of hope that keeps my faith alive in many ways. Yes, I do in my heart want to rest in the Lord in due season. Yes I want to trust him in all things.
When I fail though, I refuse to let the self-righteous and legalistic servants of the devil who Paul calls “enemies of the cross” discourage me or make me give up. Rest to me in scriptural terms and spiritual reality is thus a bi-product of our relationship with God. By that I mean it is on his terms and timing.
I know in my life there have been times that I push myself beyond when I should rest in one way or another. Being so hopeless compulsive by nature I always do things to extreme. And I also love to plan things in advance.
I don’t know how many times something has occurred to interfere with those plans or my routine. Later though there are occasions when something happens and God’s spirit taps me on the shoulder to whisper I wouldn’t have had to stop you if you would take a hint and rest once and a while when I tell you too. Yeah I feel kind of silly for complaining when that happens, you can be sure of that!
However, once that rest comes. I find the aftermath so much more refreshing. And in the process sometimes a light comes into my soul and I get a merciful glimpse of God’s greater plan. That is the wonderful substance a lot of times for a future posting. I do confess I’m not fond of admitting so many of the weakness that bare my soul, but with God’s rest for my pride I do manage on occasion.
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