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Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Sometimes this is a word used to imply or suggest that, which is assumed or expected to be true. I was pondering the subject of spirituality the other day and began to appreciate how so many people seem to define what they consider as spiritual by certain “given” criteria.

Basically more than any it seemed that it was related to things that were positive, yet not related to the body or physical realm. I say that because of the number of times I’ve heard somebody make a comment on how some experience or situation to them was “spiritual,” but as I listened to their words I had trouble sensing any real spirituality from what they were saying.

I do feel it is safe to say that for something to be spiritual it would be related to the realm most often associated with what is called the soul. The soul is not an aspect of one’s essence that you can see. Nor is it an element of being that everyone even feels exists.

So that means what is regarded as spiritual will end up being defined by one’s own interpretation of what is a soul. To that end there are so many variations you could hardly come up with any universal statement that would gain total acceptance.

I think true spirituality starts with God. For the scriptures declare that he is spirit. Since Jesus is for a believer part of God then even though he did come to us as man, he to would be a spirit in his glorified state.

Thus if one accepts that reality, the then scriptures would be the place to truly harvest a credible seed of revelation on what truly is spiritual. To that end I think we understand that the bible depicts the spiritual realm as one occupied by both the Lord and his faithful angels as well as Lucifer and his minions, plus a host of heavenly beings that we have no way in this life to truly understand completely.

For us as mortal, spirituality then would involve the ways God’s spirit touches and empowers our lives through our souls. At least that would seem the obvious association from my point of view.

Mainly what has fascinated me is the number of people I’ve seen or encountered and in particular in a Church setting whom I had trouble seeing any evidence they were in any way influence by God’s spirit. They loved to act righteous and holy, but it was all seemingly conjured. A façade of convenience that served a social agenda.

I can only speak to what I’ve experience myself. There have been those moment in my life when I felt the lord’s spirit more intently in my life than others. It was more an awareness than anything else. But when I felt his presence, I also felt that sense of surrender and willing submission where the power of his spirit worked God’s will in my life, but not by my own strength. Often it has involved my doing something that wasn’t part of my nature, but served God’s purposes in a good way such as encouraging or inspiring someone. I know that isn’t my nature as a rule, so I am deeply humble when somebody tells me something I did or wrote affected that way.

Which is the one given I’ve learned is most often true. God’s spirit can truly do something through us that we can’t always do for ourselves. In so doing it is his way of reminding us how he was the real cause and not us so we don’t get filled with pride. And that perhaps is the most tell-tale aspect. Real spirituality to me that comes from God will humble, not fill with pride. A simple hint of reflection that hopefully touch those who might benefit from this posting.


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