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Saturday, March 11, 2006


It has been said that if you can say something nice then don’t say anything at all. I don’t believe this is necessarily a scriptural admonition though. I am reminded of the words of the Apostle Paul about not letting any thing come out of your mouth that isn’t profitable for edification. That is paraphrased of course.

I have to be honest and say that in all my dealings with Christians and church life edification has normally not be my experience. Complaints, you bet. Criticism, hate, prejudice and favoritism have all been a mantle I’ve know inside the walls of a house of worship. Not much different actually than what I’ve known at work. I don’t bother to say the obvious though.

The question is how does one help when there is a problem without truly mentioning the problem? It is best to simply not say anything? Or is it better to risk offending, by telling the truth. If the answer were easy of course I don’t think there would be so many problems with this issue in the first place.

For me the coffer of the tongue is found in the mind and the heart holds the lock. By that I mean that it is a challenge I feel to store up what needs to be said in a way that it can be share in a positive way. What is for example a good way to correct? Does it work best through intimidation? Or does inspiration bring a better response?

I don’t feel the answer is universal. I think each situation is different. Some people only respond to certain kinds of treatment. Not that it makes things any easier.

Ultimately I think that a person who follows Christ has to seek the Lord’s wisdom in any situation. It also means to be willing to let the Holy Spirit guide with the right words for each situation. Does that mean in every case we can expect the right results? Would that it was so!

Among the pillars of “I” where the ego stands upon a foundation of will, we stroll and look out from our own pedestal. Perhaps at times we can allow God to bring us to the ground to feel the earth of reality under our feet and know the truth. In the process, above all to truly and earnestly be prepared to surrender one’s own will to the Lord’s will. His good should be what prevails more than my interpretation.

Some walk blindly into the fields of life using a map they created with their version of truth that is printed in disappearing ink. Only God’s flow of what is written will never evaporate.

Finding the path of his light of revelation and purpose requires more than memorizing scripture or reciting trite spiritual rhetoric. It is a matter of a heart in link with one’s soul, gazing into eternity and letting that vision remind how when we are dealing with others, it is their soul that will carry the memory of the moment into eternity, not the form we see. May we rejoice to have the opportunity to share in love with what we know shall truly live pass the grave.


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