No, this is not going to be a posting about losing weight or weight loss tips. The world abounds with diet books and gurus and unfortunately too many of us who need their advice, but that isn’t the focus of this particular writing.
I was thinking more in terms of the true essence of life. That is the lean mix of what keeps us going. Too often our idea of life is a dressing with all kinds of décor and baubles that we convince ourselves we can’t live without.
Still I’ve seen the few who did live “without” even by choice. Some claimed the simple life was more practical, wise and spiritual. However I have a feeling that in terms of reality most people would prefer rich or at least comfortable to a life of a monk.
I’m not criticizing that choice either. I appreciate that God does at times call people to unique lives such as being a missionary. Such a calling can involve more giving than taking and that includes sacrifice.
So for me I believe reducing is in this context an issue of gazing with honesty upon our own lives and lifestyles and asking is it truly in balance both in terms of need and what allows us to keep our hearts trusting the Lord? God doesn’t intend for us all to live such abased lives that we sit around only wearing robes and chanting all day. That may be a valid path for some, but not all.
At present my wife and I are waiting for a house we are having built to be constructed to be finished so we can occupy it. We have never own a home and this one was inherited or I should say the property and old house were inherited. We have chosen to replace the old one because of its condition. For us this was a true miracle since we never had an opportunity to own anything of this type before.
Till we get a chance to move our little apartment is hopelessly cluttered with all the items we have acquired to go with the new house. My wife is very talented at things like interior design so she naturally has concentrated on making sure it will have a special theme and quality when we move.
As for me, well what can I say, I’m a writer and spend most of me time in thought or writing. All those issues aren’t something I like to think about. But there are days every moment gets consumed in having to do chores related to this processes. I accept them as a part of the journey. I just don’t worship.
Reducing in that sense to me is to reduce down the priorities in the mind to keep God in the center of it all. To stop in the haste and chase and ask the tough questions that remind us this life is temporary. Most of all it is to ride out the storm of distraction without drowning. That means to recognize the value to giving time where needed without becoming a prisoner of possessions. There is a difference. So there are times for me that means, I have to reduce my dreams down to a chore for the moment. When I’m done I go back to the clouds, to the Lord and grateful I didn’t get lost along the way. I pray you also find your way out of daily maze without losing sight of the Lord also.
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