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Wednesday, February 08, 2006


The one thing that I have observed about nosebleeds is that for some of us nothing obvious happens for them to occur. I mean if you accidentally slam your nose into a wall and it bleeds that would make sense. But if your nose just starts bleeding for no apparent reason it can be really frustrating. Plus there always is that annoyance of wondering how long it will take before it stops.

I remember being on this plane once and another passenger developed a nosebleed. I’m not sure if the pressurized air contributed to his problem, but I do know that he never did manage to get his nose to stop bleeding while we were in flight. When we landed as I recall they had to take him to the hospital.

I can still recall that look in his eyes as he sat there holding that cloth against his nose. His eyes reflected a combination of aggravation along with a controlled sense of anxiety that it wouldn’t stop bleeding.

What has any of this to do with faith? Well perhaps in a way there are times when on a spiritual level we have to endure a different kind of nosebleed. With a real nosebleed we know it isn’t very likely, but one could in theory bleed to death from such a problem. It just doesn’t seem very possible. Yet I have had a nosebleed and had that thought cross my brain.

And like with a nosebleed there are those moments that in one way seem trivial to our spiritual welfare, but do definitely give us cause for concern. Things like when we stumble and fall in terms of sin. No, I am not suggesting having a nose bleed is a sin!

What I am speaking about is the issue of finding the right kind of “aid” for the right kind of problem. As a rule I doubt we would worry too much about consulting anyone when our nose was bleeding. But if we did I’m sure it would be a doctor or paramedic. That would make sense.

Yet do we apply that same logic to all areas of our life? I think the honest answer for some of us is no.

For example do we actually look for help or seek the guidance of someone when we stumble and fall on a spiritual level? I can’t imagine too many people honestly working that hard to seek out someone from their church just to admit there is some terrible sin in one’s life we can’t control. I doubt that is the type of think we would want to share in a time of fellowship.

So what do we do when such problems arise in our souls? I’m sure in a lot of cases we take it to the Lord, which might not always be the case, but prayer can be such a great altar of embracing the truth within.

Is that the answer I am suggesting for all kind of spiritual nosebleeds? No. I am suggesting that any problem ignored can get worse. Better it is to let God guide us to the right help than to cling to a pride that says we never need help with some problems.


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