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Friday, February 03, 2006


A promise is a promise is a promise. The words of advice are more solidified with a promise of God than with any of those made by the lips of man. And sometimes God grants us the assurance of some sign to know he will keep a promise specific to our lives. Such an example on a more dramatic level is in the scriptures where he grant Noah the sign of the rainbow as a promise he wouldn’t again destroy mankind with a flood.

It isn’t always easy in our personal lives to recognize a really sign of personal assurance from the Lord verses one that is our imagination. Time is a factor. Sometimes experience itself is the only method of affirmation of what we felt or sense at an earlier date.

Doest that mean we are out of touch spiritually in discerning God’s will for our lives? Not necessarily. The Lord does intend to have a relationship with us. And that will respect our ability to understand his word and the events he works in our lives.

However there are times when we are totally sure of a give sign, but circumstances seem to contradict what we believe. Accepting we are mistaken is just as important as accepting when we are right.

Trying to play the prophet might be good for one’s ego, but hopefully humility can prevail. It is really okay to understand a sign, yet be confused on its intended fulfillment.

Reflection is the dialogue of such situations. Did we truly learn from the event whether it was good or bad or did we simply excuse out of pride the fact we made a mistake? On such a precipice of vanity more than one saint has fallen.

The real joy comes from the sweet melody of the song of life. It might have the occasional note that ends up being hit off key, but it is the whole melody that counts. To only intend upon rejoicing over the proper notes and try to pretend the sour ones didn’t exist is to fail to embrace the whole song.

Step along the journey with joy. Even when we stumble. Know that ultimately God is as much a part of the road in his omnipresence as he is anywhere else.

Remembering that can be challenging at times when we crave continuing in our travels by faith. Celebrating his grace that keeps its vigil despite our shortcomings or misdirection is a sign of by this that we can also rejoice about.

But then it is within our heart we must at least settle the struggle of our will and the Lord’s will. Leaving behind footprints of obedience will be a trail that leads to eternity. And it won’t even matter whether our stride was long or short in terms of perfection of our efforts. Just whether we kept walking. For some that will be enough to keep trusting in between the signs. For others it will never grant them the peace that eludes because the heart craves its own lordship over the highway of choice.


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