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Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Walking the rugged terrain of each waking includes the occasional stumbling. We often love to regard ourselves as in control and everything we do having intent and meaning.

However there are times when we all stumble. There are those moments no matter how hard we try that we end up falling into some fissure of doubt and circumstance.

Now that is part of reality. It doesn’t mean we have to like it, but it does mean we have to understand it is something that will happen.

All of that ought to inspire compassion. Anybody can make a mistake. Anyone can fall. We can all have reasons to question life and our essence.

So how come it seems that as Christians we are often better at complaining than encouraging? The Apostle Paul admonishes us to not even say a word that isn’t “profitable” for edifying when speaking to each other. That doesn’t have anything to do with the times when a Pastor or teacher must instruct and do so in a way that points out ways we need to repent or deal with a problem.

Still we are reminded that even a Pastor’s role is to inspire us to trust God since we are told that “faith” comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. I have to be honest I have heard a lot more sermons that bordered on criticism more than love or inspiring faith.

To me part of the problem stems from the fact that in general it seems we often experience more criticism in life than inspiration. How many of us work someplace where we feel unappreciated? Maybe we have families that aren’t good at encouraging either. In times all this only weighs us down with a heavy mantle of depression or a sense of inadequacy.

How do we cope with so many fissures in our self-esteem? How do we find a fount of hope to take a drink and continue walking?

The libraries are full of advice on that subject. If you want to look long enough you will find somebody to offer you advice on how to find “yourself.” Sometimes their ideas are helpful, others they are not.

For the man or woman of faith though, we ultimately have to come to that step of trust where we remember no matter how isolated and alone we feel that our strength comes from the Lord. He sees our heart and knows the depths of our struggle.

It doesn’t mean that he’ll shine a light into our darkness so others will see what we dream is our image. It does mean he will give us the strength to keep trying.

Granting the Lord the trust to let him strike a candle in our hearts instead of depending upon artificial illumination in others opinions to guide our way isn’t always easy. But the light will last a lot longer, shining even into eternity.


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