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Saturday, January 28, 2006


Yep, how many times are you told that during a sermon or some bible teaching? Of course the Lord said it. We have a whole bible chalk full of things the Lord said. It doesn’t mean we always UNDERSTAND it correctly though.

I was listing to a man comment on prophesy the other day. And he made a very insightful observation. Today there are many people who love to treat themselves as experts on prophecy. They figure they have all the details of the book of Revelations accurately interpreted and know exactly how things will take place during the tribulation.

I did like what this individual made as a comment. He pointed out how the scribes and religious leaders of Jesus’ day had all the prophesies of the Old Testament available and they all thought they had a perfect understanding of them. Yet despite that knowledge they totally missed the real fulfillment of those prophesies. It didn’t mean the prophesies weren’t true. It simply meant the people were human and didn’t have the ability to perfectly grasp every detail.

He went on to say how he imagined if they were that far off in terms of understanding the first coming of the Lord why should we assume we will truly be any better. That in reality when something like the Tribulation does take place in all likelihood we too will end up being surprised by how things actually unfold.

I have truly come to find this approach so comforting in an odd way. I mean sometimes it is such a temptation to want to feel we are so spiritual and insightful that we know the facts perfectly. It doesn’t do much for that image when we end up finding out we are wrong.

That doesn’t mean we are supposed to study scripture. And I think that the events in the world today certainly lend themselves to being the kind of stage from which the tribulation can occur. But the when part still remains a lingering issue.

I guess my main reflection is to guard ourselves against the peril of letting our minds become like concrete. To allow ourselves the said temptation to see only black and white and out of pride alone feel ours is the only truth available.

God’s light of truth really does shines in all directions. Some might see flickers of it that we missed. Others are so dazzled by any light they think it all comes from God even if it doesn’t in some cases.

Opening one’s hearts so we truly are willing to allow God to let us see what is there that we need to know is never as easy an option as some profess. And in the end if he guides to a spot where we only see in part can we be content with accepting that reality? More important still can we be content with admitting the same? I don’t know are probably words you will find truly rare to be spoken by most Christians. Too bad they are often far closer to the truth than we care to acknowledge.


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