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Monday, January 23, 2006


To gaze upon the mound of a day and wonder if it will be enough is normal. Provision is the abiding and consuming urgency of much of what we deal with in life. After all without it survival can be impossible.

Yet our reaction to what is enough varies. For some there will never be a moment obtained when the malady of insecurity doesn’t dominate their thoughts. They can accumulates hordes of whatever and never feel secure. Faith in such a mindset will always cling more to belief than any degree of trust. For genuine trust requires the activity of accept that God really is lord of a situation and that mean in some cases allow him to handle a situation.

What is difficult is difficult at times is to embrace the reality of the miracle that Jesus did with the feeding of the five thousand or the even more practical miracle of how God gave the people of Israel manna for years. Basically when you get beyond the miracle aspect, there is the subtle truth that God is not required to respect the basic physical laws that govern our lives.

Thus in our situation we might look at what is more than some in terms of say our bank accounts and say, “this is more than some, but not enough for what I think I need.” And that is just one of many ways we can regard what we have as better than minimal, but still consumed with it not being as adequate as we would desire. It is so easy to fall of that ledge of thought into an abyss of doubt and forget to God all things in that regard are possible. The emphasis being on the possible.

I think part of the tension arises from the reality of knowing the times when God doesn’t necessary take the more than some we have and allow it to actually be enough. He is totally able to see deep into the recesses of our thoughts and know when we are too full of the confidence that is bad for our soul. For to encroach upon the sovereignty of God by presuming we can dictate in any way how he will deal with a given situation is to invite his disapproval. His method of correction for our faulty thinking can be very dramatic too.

Still it is so easy for us to slip into the temptation to try and analyze each situation according to our desires. To basically want to control the details and supply so we can in essence play the part of God in our own lives. It might be practical and logical in our minds, but it truly is contrary to our spiritual welfare.

So at times when we get too focus on some mound in our lives, be it our bank account, possessions or whatever is the consummate preoccupation of our desires, it is so important to stop. Then to pause and look beyond the more than some of what we think will give us some security and remember that it truly is God that is the owner of that mound. He is merciful in allowing us to have stewardship over it, but regardless of the size it will end up accomplishing what he desires if we are truly willing to set aside our desires and seek his wisdom. His light will always touch and guide in the way that is truly going to grant us the sight to see how that more than some is just what it should be in his purposes.


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