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Saturday, January 21, 2006


There is a difference between being “sent” and being called. One requires a journey. The other does not. And you can be both called and sent, but I think the one thing that is different is to be sent means a more radical change in terms of actually going somewhere different.

You can call that being picky, but I think this came to relevance to me personally when I reflected upon how often to be sent doesn’t mean you are going to be welcome where the Lord asks you to go. Whereas to be called can mean being in the company of those who accept you.

I’m reminded of people like Abraham and the Apostle Paul. The word Apostle does have the meaning of one who is sent. However in both cases they didn’t necessary spent time in places of their choosing. Abraham had to spend a great deal of time wandering the land that would eventually be the inheritance of his offspring. I don’t know if he ever got tired of having to walk so far and often, but you do have to give him credit for his obedience to the will of the Lord.

The Apostle Paul also traveled a great deal. In his case his journeys included a lot to time seeing the inside of prisons. Hardly the type of uplifting memory that I imagine I would want to cherish.

How often though are we sent and perhaps don’t realize it? Maybe not in terms of going somewhere far, but to a given church or ministry or just to some service for a momentary purpose in the Lord’s plan.

This kind of journey can be only temporary and it is because he has chosen us for a given calling that applies to a given need. We don’t get to choose the landscape or direction just whether we are willing to obey.

Of course such a journey may not carry with it any nods from others. They may not look upon our being sent as a blessing or even understand the purpose.

I guess my main point is that because being sent can be less impressive or inspirational it can also be less appealing. And when the Lord opens a given door to some place where we are suppose to be sent that might reality may affect our thinking.

Still the journey normally ends with some message or understanding. Being called can mean obedience without necessarily always having that type of understanding beyond knowing we are called.

In either case, to wander or wait the choice of following God’s path is always far more worthwhile for the obedient than for those who elect not to do as the Lord desires. I pray that we are always touched enough by the spirit of the Lord to listen and walk wherever that path leads. And to find the light of his understanding to guide us no matter how many shadows we see.


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