While visions of golden shafts of divine light piercing clouds to shine upon one’s face may be colorful and spiritually dramatic, I don’t think any of us experiences them very often if ever. I’m speaking only from my own experience naturally, but I haven’t heard too many believers mentioning that being an event they personally have encountered either.
Inspiration, especially of a miraculous or supernatural nature is wonderful. Anyone who has been touch by God’s spirit in one of those moments will never forget it. Such and event has the power to reach the deepest and most precious portions of our essence.
But as great as such spiritually tingling moments happen to be, as I said they often are rare. It doesn’t keep us from craving them and in some cases perhaps “imaging” or manufacturing them. Being human and having feelings I can appreciate how that type of need to buffer the monotony and disappointments of life can motivate some to become obsessed with such experiences.
Still, despite the times we might try to help God in that regard, it is only the genuine moments that ring true. We can claim some event is supernatural when it isn’t, but inside we know the truth and so does the Lord.
What I have come to cherish more in some ways are the “little wings.” Those moments are ones that are uplifting in a small way and allow us to get relief from some stress or frustration. I’m not sure that in those times when we are exhaling we necessarily remember how the Lord was the author of bringing us such relief.
In my situation, having a poet’s temperamental spirit, I suffer from such maladies as impatience, being easily offended due to an overly sensitive personality and also a person who can’t handle either confrontation or stress very well. I share that to simply point out how my own flaws make the “little wings” a very special blessing since I need them so constantly.
For me though, what is most amazing is how often God seems to know when I’m at some breaking point and have totally lost control emotionally. Then he will gently quiet the storm. Not enough to remove all storms forever or even dry up the rain of circumstance, but it is enough relief that I can catch my breath and take another step of faith.
Later when I am in a saner and calmer frame of mine then so often God’s spirit will nudge me on the shoulders and poignantly remind me how he came to my help. That’s when I feel the little wings the most and am truly grateful for their gift.
So while may be obsessed and pray for thunderbolt moments, I will rejoice over the little uplifting encounters that give one enough strength just for that day. How often does the Lord grace each of us with those blessings and we miss them?
I pray that we are touch enough with awareness to see the Lord in the little wing flights as well as the other more dramatic moments. And to rejoice to know that with the Lord he has and endless supply of such wings.
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