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Thursday, December 15, 2005


There are the times when obedience brings the kind of flood of inner warmth that you just know doesn’t come from this world. Some clamor and race for glory. Even in houses of worship and the body of Christ there are some who want to be a head instead of whatever is their portion. It is to be human to want attention and the trappings of recognition.

I don’t believe Lord is ignorant of that fact. And in some cases he does provide us the blessed moments when we genuinely have that sense of his “halo” of well done. The only problem is you can presume upon the Lord’s grace. He knows our heart and if we are driven strictly by the desire for a well done he knows that too.

I was in bible study the other night and we were discussing the issue of things one does as a volunteer act as opposed to it being required. Work for example is a “gotta do” as our a great many things in life. But there are some things such a serving the Lord that we do by choice.

And we got into a general discussion of the problems of finding the motivation to do something that doesn’t necessarily carry any immediate reward. I will grant my brothers in Christ the honesty to confess that this is never an easy process.

For me I think what is the most essential factor is the stamp of the “halo” upon the event. That for me is the spiritual passion that comes when one is doing something for the Lord you truly enjoy.

I see the key to that relying upon being confirmed in one’s heart and soul that it is something God truly desire one to do. And with that confirmation comes a special type of joy. It is a halo of pure contentment where regardless of the fruit seen by other you are enjoying the labor so much you happy just doing that service even if you don’t profit in the process.

I was fascinated the other day when I was seeking out certain believers to help with this one ministry. Any help would not carry with it a reward. No compensation beyond the joy of having served the Lord.

So far I am still waiting for the people I approached that I felt led by the Lord to ask to give me a reply. And I pray that they will. In one way though the immediate response I got sort of led me to sense that somewhere in their thinking was the very natural question, “what is in it for me.”

I do pray that it will unfold that the people I asked do eventually feel compelled to serve out of a love for the Lord. As for me, well I just enjoy the halo moment when it comes and smile on the inside. It is enough the Lord’s spirit seems to be telling me. And to be honest that is the abiding way the feeling swells in my soul.

May the Lord touch each person who follows him to cherish those precious Halo moments more than the approval of men. For one will last and the latter will not.


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