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Thursday, November 24, 2005


My summer of thought bleeds with its vibrant ecstasy into my waking. I am a partaker of the zenith in consciousness for one single blink of an eye. Then the presumed brilliance of an epiphany fades and life shrinks in perspective.

To reside on the horizon of light between eternity and now is too truly walk alone. For so often it is a realm where you can only offer up the flickers of each moment in a way that isn’t always understood by those who haven’t seen that horizon.

Being anointed with such a calling is a path where one’s footsteps are blurred and often ignored. It is a journey where God guides and Jesus is the sole provider of one’s map. But even when one is lifted by a sweet gust of the Holy Spirit, the flight into the sky of insight goes unnoticed by those without the same wings.

So instead it means being content in one’s faithfulness for the simple sake of doing things only to please the Lord. There is no throng to admire the labor save the unseen immortal audience.

What is so precious though is the quiet warmth of a soft caress from the inside that says this twilight moment in thinking has some divine approval. It is a dialogue without a need of words. And one that is expressed in images that become carved into the memory.

I rejoice in the blessed gift of being able in the twilight to have a glimpse into how it will carry with the soul into eternity. Whatever our relationship with our Lord in this life, whatever image we cling to regarding life in eternity, during the cherished moments of twilight one comes to know what slaves we our to this world’s limitations. Without having been able to touch heaven’s shore we can only translate its vision in our own image language.

But what is so special to me is that in these times of discovery during the ebbing of self and arising of God’s more perfect light I see the joy of becoming apart of the eternal garment of essence. That is the soul’s union with out lord. It is twilight forever for the mind when we have a perfect intimacy between savior and the redeemed.

Until then we are all passengers in a ship that will never go beyond the oceans of our prejudice. To understand the limitations of out tickets grants us a peace that we see what lies at the eternal port will be truly more blessed than anything we could imagine. But it is the archway of total surrender through, which we shall have to pass when we arrive at that location.

Heaven becomes ours as a part of the whole and not with us at the center. We know Jesus is the heart of heaven and its illumination, but the mind still clings to the flesh and translates that reality into the notion that somehow our desires in this life will apply to that domain. They do not. But the great joy comes from knowing it won’t matter either. For in that glorious time we shall all know so perfectly what only flashes in this life during the twilight of the mind.


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