There is an old saying that the end justifies the means. I’m not sure though that when it is used it is necessarily regarded as a positive philosophy. Basically it seems to translate into the concept that if you motive is noble and you get the results you want it doesn’t matter how you accomplished your goal.
I’m also reminded of that other ancient adage about how it isn’t whether you win or lose, but how you play the game. It might also have some merit, but I think on a human level most of us would prefer winning to losing.
In this life, success is worship, admired and it often, particularly in business doesn’t seem to be too important to people whether you achieved that success by moral standards. The only thing remembered is the success and all the trappings that go with it in the eyes of society.
The merits of such philosophy can be debated of course, but I don’t real feel it is applicable in the spiritual realm. There it is God’s rules that counts and the means are far more important than the end in terms of his ability to judge our heart.
It is difficult at times to always believe what God thinks is important is a question being asked. Especially when one sees the obsession on creating super churches and the panoply of television ministries intent upon appealing to the eyes with miracles of questionable validity to truly.
But what I do appreciate is that the truth passageway to ends with God is by faith. It may in the eyes of the world be one that is a dead end or lacking in success, but the kind of worth it has to God has an eternal focus rather than this life.
That isn’t to say that the present doesn’t matter at all. We are charged with sharing the gospel, making disciples and a host of other responsibilities as followers of Christ. And as long as we remember to try and reach those ends by heading down his passageway of faith then our journey will come to the end that is his will.
This might all seem like something obvious to most Christians and people in general. But to me is it like so many things. We say “we know,” but then the emotions hold us hostage when we see somebody else prospering more in their spiritual life. Being content to let God create the end that is his desire sounds very spiritual, but I’m not sure we are totally willing to embrace it where we live.
To stroll that passageway where the true in is eternity is to see that the real light at the end of the tunnel is Christ and not a limelight of others approval. Sometimes it may be easier to move towards the temporary shimmer of some man made light, but in the end it won’t last and Jesus will.
May God grant us all the strength and sight to remain faithful in taking the steps down the passageway that is his will for our lives. And to most of all accept the means he uses to help us arrive at the end.
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