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Sunday, July 10, 2011


Swimming so long in the sea of solitude
so far apart from that shore
where hearts dwell whose songs
echo their notes in your mind,
but still moving through the waters
in search for what will fill the quiet,
drown the loneliness that flows like a tide
over the spirit and the mind.

In that drifting flow,
finally stripping away every illusion.
At least submersed enough
beneath the swells of struggle
to reach so deep inside
and touch the truth that was cloaked.

Silently releasing all the tangles
of sorrow’s kelp,
finally feeling free of each sadness
like a swimmin floating so featherweight
through the current.

Somewhere from that abyss
there comes the touch of wave song,
its notes like the sea shell caress
from reaching that rendezvous
with the self that was sunken
below the face in the mirror.

Eventually rising again
unto the light and air
no longer trapped to hold one’s breath
for liberty of that release
makes a blessing
out of the dive to find
the missing coral of the heart.


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