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LAIR OF THE PENMAN: The Charmed Succor Of Soul Healing Canticles

Monday, May 02, 2011

The Charmed Succor Of Soul Healing Canticles

In the solemn stillness
of sacred ceremonial sanctity
where a stained spirit
finds its saving sanctuary
the voice of the soul
sings its scriptural hymn
rich in notes divine
washing anew fragile believes.

Reaching inward like a rare vintage wine
to inebriate with a soliloquy of light.
Lifting the weary hollow life
from its vacuous quandary
unto a winged wispy wandering
among the airy parapets of celestial tones.

This is the precious dawning
though salvation’s sunrise
guding out of the deep
darkness of doubt pangs.
A song that is written
by its chanted veracity
summoning the healing
for carnal infections.

Through a precious and frail interlude
roaming the ethereal terrace in the mind
what beloved communion collects
out of the chaos in mortal thoughts.

Refined through its purest inner voice,
softly strolling the beauty
though a faith reviving serenade.
Summoning the serene harmony
that yields the eternal whispers
with their ageless gold revelations.

Oh rejoice the calm of angelic flutters
stroking with their inspiration feathers.
It is when the moment rings
an euphoric mesmerizing meditation.
Yielding a love that flows
out of the earthly distractions
unto euphoric visions of golden streets.


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