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LAIR OF THE PENMAN: Grant Me New Eyes Oh Lord

Monday, April 25, 2011

Grant Me New Eyes Oh Lord

Grant me new eyes oh Lord
to see with my soul what is true
of your glory to worship
and your mercy to know.

Let my voice rejoice in praise
for the sight you give
as it shuts out all the other thoughts
when all I can see is you.

Bless me oh God with the joy
rising from casting aside ever encumbrance
that I might cherish what is truth
how Jesus as the lamb
is all the knowledge I need
totally transfixed by envisioning you on your throne,
an endless radiance of power and perfection.

Just to stand and lift up my psalm
in steady resonance of thanksgiving
when I know in my heart by His spirit’s touch
there is nothing more worthy
than my lord and savior
and I am blessed, totally surrendered
to cry out my heart’s deepest sense of love
over how in all that distracts
nothing can separate me
from singing salvation’s song
unto the one who is truly holy.

Bear me now the wings of gratitude
so I might fly in my meditative thoughts
upon the sweet rush of your longsuffering
in ever expanding inner longing
to only know you above all else.

For in your arms shall I always want to stay,
shout the adoration you summon
with such precious touch unto my lips,
today is yours and tomorrow
it is enough to live
only in the breath of every hymn
my mouth and heart can sing.


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