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LAIR OF THE PENMAN: My Box Of Droplet Diversions

Thursday, March 03, 2011

My Box Of Droplet Diversions

I have my leaded sky treasure trove
of ways to cope with those downpours in droplets,
first is my collection of DVD’s,
only the ones I can get for five dollars each
so filled with the lamest and silliest movies there are,
just helps to turn my mind to mush on stormy days.

Then I have my assortments
in those old magazines and National Inquirers
where I can look up those annual psychic predictions
about the future fate of the world,
so far it is it is psychics zero in terms of accuracy,
but it sure is fun to read again
about the aliens who were supposed to come,
the utopia that they claimed was going to happen
even the cure for every disease,
which makes for a fun laugh to read again.

Oh I also have my list of special phone numbers to call
like the customer service people at the cable company
love to dial them up and ask something absurd
such as if they have the life after death channel yet?

Just no end to the distractions a creative mind can imagine,
pity some have no appreciate for that inspiration,
doesn’t seem like those people at the pizza take out place
have much of a sense of humor
when I call and ask if pizza sauce really causes warts
or if they give discounts for road kill toppings?

Alas it is hard to be a poet on some showering times
because not all appreciate my efforts
at a different kind of expression.


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