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LAIR OF THE PENMAN: Requiems Of Resplendent Radiances

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Requiems Of Resplendent Radiances

Grandiose elegance in golden tinctures
draped as exquisite effigies in essence
across a lore laden,
ageless assemblage cavernous chamber
where courage is anointed
with everlasting embrace
and heroes are cherished
by the wreaths
of incredibly ornate radiance.

It is the repast of rites
in the glorious gathering
adorned with timeless majesty,
celebrating divine blessing
upon the warriors of life.

Inequity at last vanquished,
honor given a golden aura
as the clashes fade in the scars
while the dreamed medallions
finally are bestowed.

Every facets of valor praised
every shield held in defiance
draped in its worthy tale
for this is the banquet of courage
feasted upon in immortality
amid a beauty
held in visions
during the harsh brutal combats.

Eyes of clash
who struggle in their futility
against the wrongs of malevolence
now have their moment of zenith
where balance is given
unto all injustice


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