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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Each Dawn

The light comes with new rays touched by the Holy Spirit
and through the thickets and thistles I must wander,
bruised and scarred, yet by His grace still having hope.

For this day avails with increased heights in understanding
giving more reasons to see Him among every landscape,
every embracing the terraces of faith reached
where some increased view through spiritual eyes
can gaze back at the path taken with better understanding.

How it brings the balm of peace to see His hand
as I touched the trail I had to follow,
granting me a pause of renewal and strength
while knowing I have not reached my destination.

Joy comes in that moment of His empowerment
when anxiousness ceases and desire calms
because His touch reminds of the fulfillment to come
once we stand before His throne.

Accepting that repository of promise within He gives
with a happiness over how it blesses
so we can take another move along our path
ever grateful to hold onto the day of reunion
that will wipe away every tear.


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