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Saturday, December 04, 2010

The Eyes Of Night

She collects each sob and tear
tossed on the baneful breezes of sorrow,
for she is the goddess who holds
the eyes of night,
those mental spheres of inner sight
where fantasy’s world’s reside.

Across the dark endless sky
her ethereal wings silently soar
while she listens to each cry
then showers her dream spell dust
upon each wounded heart,
gently ferrying them
by a enchanted zephyr wind
unto the places that mind imagine,
which swirl in that crystalline globe
formed in the sleeping soul.

For a while love floats the slumbering spirit
to the charmed celestial terraces
that summon the soothing kisses in serenity
so what burden in dark despair
is slowly stained with magical mist in calm
and in that realm the heart is given hope
softly caressed about its every sadness
by in the morning there remains
a sense of anticipation to replace the emptiness.

Each eve she gently helps so many
who never are aware of her blessings
until the time comes when the heart ceases to beat.
Unto the moment she brings her special power
forever guiding that life
far beyond any pain
as dreams finally become the person’s eternal paradise.


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