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Friday, November 26, 2010


Oh the dreary drudgery dredged through my head
when that random button did disappoint,
I wanted incoherence and nothing that made sense,
the ramblings of politicians and bureaucrats,
instead I got poetry and some of it very sensible.

What kind of random is that?
Even ask it as question from the ask a question link,
still waiting on an answer.

Yes, I want real random
from the core of life,
people and minds merged in union
to offer up something totally insane and bizarre.

What an inspiration that would be,
a chance to prove sanity is not required,
perhaps giving hope to so many of us
that are better at not making sense anyway.

Sent off a ticket with a recommendation
hope it gets a good response
as I wait to have my lunacy
given a chance in the spotlight.

Alas the gifts of abstract
are sometimes unappreciated,
but hey I didn’t make the button
all I want is equal time.


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