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Thursday, February 04, 2010

New World

Eyes that pierce the vintage, forlorn boundaries

in tradition’s tenuous traces,

those countless domes of ancient philosophers

always covering the realm of reality

with their shell off limitations and legislations.

So smothering until you can’t gaze

beyond their shelter ,

unable to fathom what lies in possibility

outside the sphere they create as life.


But the seer dares to dream of new worlds

places that innovation is a jewel cherished

instead of a tarnished gem to discard.


It is poke the mind past that curtain

where the prophets of paranoia claim

only monsters lurk to make it a jungle,

a wilderness only offering danger.


From within rises the dreamer’s wings

who dares to think of more that contrived paradises,

not willing to simply accept stagnant concepts

or the dusty dogmas from worn out dictates

to rule the liberty that beckons inside.


How the heart is forced into a vice grip

pressured to conform to treating what is

as the only truth that can ever be.


On that path that hears the songs

from those isles sensed by the soul

comes to the mind of visionary sight

peace gained through discovery,

so enriching because it was found

despite the murmuring parrots

that said “it could never be done.”


What passages into virgin lands

often sires the greatest gold

by the treasures of insight,

which convey the blessings

of questioning walls

others claim can’t be destroyed

and gaining a joy in the lost of ignorance.


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