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LAIR OF THE PENMAN: Casting Stones

Monday, February 01, 2010

Casting Stones

We are born into an ancient club

for casting stones,

one that everyone belongs

where we have to live in a twilight zone

between wisdom and impulse.

It is a place that we know what is logical,

all the consequences of wrong,

yet obey the uncontrollable power

from what claws inside

because those talons are to strong.


In the gulf between compulsion and truth

our mind clings to sanity

by casting stones at others,

then singing lullaby screams

so it will allow us to not think about

being such walking contradictions,

the very paragon of oxymorons and irony.


Thus ensues the satire of behavior

nobody ever stops participating,

how it yields such incredible lunacy

until you see some psychologist

who is waiting for a final on a fourth divorce

still be busy writing a best selling book

about how to have a happy marriage,

celebrities out of their fifth trip to rehab

appearing on some talk show to discuss

their diet and nutrition books.


Let us not forget

pauses at the convenience store for a diet coke and candy bar,

evangelists who look at magazines of nude young men

before going out before a camera to condemn homosexuality,

using a credit card with 30 per cent interest rate

to save two dollars on a DVD we don’t need,

oh the samples are endless and we all play our part.


Truth lies in the subconscious as Gods voice,

only our conscious tries to fabricate fairy tales

that can silence that message,

then we engage in the many ways to cope

with the reality of inner conflict

between what we do and what we should have done.


Peace only comes from avoiding the pretense of presumption

over how this isn't truly apart of every human’s life.

Instead serenity is felt by embracing God’s grace,

which enables us to accept who we really are

even with the flaws,

slowly able to work on improving what can be changed

while not having to lie about what we can’t.


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