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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Towers Of Babel

Endless ephemeral edifices

erected in existential erudite efforts.

They are the solidified theorems

intended to capture the astral expressions

for a visionary concepts in ethereal lattices.

To be able to reach over the tangential tides in eons

and craft quintessential utopian artistry,

like an abstract sculpture of metaphor lucidity,

defiantly declaring self deified desires.


Of timbers used are pride’s hand framed and stretched

across the illumined layers in reality

filled with the quandaries and quagmires in paradox plains.

It is where the mind must face life’s mirror

and search for the deeper veracity

about what gives the heart its plasma throb.


Irony blows its zephyr wind through the sky

until the architects of panaceas

seek to construct their own celestial frameworks

by the planks of whim and arrogance.


Only the reverie molded majesty

never has the finger print of eternity,

so it rusts and decays under the season’s tongue,

at last becoming a fleeting and crumbling icon

from man’s quest to sit on heaven’s throne.


Alone and abandoned

the artifact of arrogance silently sits

amid a haunting breeze of yesteryear’s legacy.

Ever conveying the ageless curse of conceit

that thinks a creature can the creator.



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