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Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Could we handle everyday

where nothing broke,

no one failed or made a mistake?


We speak of the Garden of Eden

like it was paradise,

yet would it truly be flawless?


For doesn’t most humor

arise out of blunders

and seeing irony cause error

so we can enjoy

the sublime nature of mishap?


What would there be to laugh about

should nothing ever went wrong?

Can’t imagine being enthralled

by every hour without a single worry

as life become utterly stale

in its matchless essence

because everything always

worked exactly as expected.

Plus there’d be no lies worth telling

from a world where all was ideal,

no scandals or even crime

since it would be utopia,

only no heroes either

for the villains would be been wiped out

with no news really to report

other than guess what

today will be perfect in every way.


Maybe that is even the real hell

after death

a place you go nuts

by always getting everything you wanted

or each wish coming true,

hard to think it would be other than terror

if there was never a thing to complain about.


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