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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Faces In The Wind


Whispers gobbled by the wind

where the heart sings its melodies

and nobody hears the sound

because everyone is trying to scream

their own message in the breeze,

make their face by the solo

one known to someone by the harmony,

let that deep urge inside be heard so clearly

so the feeling of being swallowed,

completely lost in all the chaos

doesn’t destroy the desire

to find a way to be a chiming essence

and more than a mere murmur in life.


During the midst of all that clamor

when you offer an sympathetic ear

that will truly hear that notes within,

which come from another life,

suddenly it inspires with joy of gratitude

over how perhaps they will be remembered

in the middle of thinking you will disappear

when futility strangles in such intensity.

One life  so touched

finds a reason to keep believing

there is a chance to be

more than a music quickly forgotten.

Then truly feeling so thriving again

with a need to keep trying

instead of simply giving up

where quiet makes you like a ghost.


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