Roses Of The Night
Precious petals that bloom in the heart,
held in their delicate, frail life
like dreams and love stories
told alone after dark,
because there is no one to listen
unto the tales that flower
from touches never known.
Still inside they are written,
kept alive within the eyes
just praying someone will see them
and recognize the hidden pains,
for it is a book only opened
in the silent shade that follows sunset.
Each page was penned
with a prayer and wish
that was expressed in a diary,
but sealed away in a library
no one is ever allowed to visit.
Ever day those words
hang on lips that were blistered
by betrayal and abuse.
Yet still the writer inside
clings to the hope
someday to meet the one true love
who can share what is on the lines
expressed as those roses of the night
then see the beauty others miss
so they won’t keep wilting
in the black emptiness.
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