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LAIR OF THE PENMAN: Staying The Course

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Staying The Course

In the soul resides the compass,

a spiritual sextant focused on what truly matters,

never adjusted to guide vainly towards self serving destinations.


Though the inner sails must honestly

be driven through challenges unto the rudder of one’s faith,

even if the voyage naturally crosses harsh sands in demands,

devout eyes are always affixed wisely upon that charted passage

to continue through the terrains that tax.


It’s the journey that floats from within,

very intense and tightly wound in passion,

for it is a sojourn that ever summons

a joy of trusting in more than hands

and lets a divine captain pilot that wheel.

Regardless if there are woefully windy threats

stalwart views are never swallowed by approaching crests

so vaguely defined and bearing a sense of ill will.


Because inside remains heaven’s chart,

aware it doesn’t get reached by hastily chosen changes

as the steadfast steering of life.


To hold in earnest with every ounce of conviction

allows that eternal essence arise as energy and purpose,

brings a calm amid the turmoil and tempest

until the barren wilderness of doubt

fades in favor of a horizon shining

with a sun revealing God’s hands,

which becomes that lighthouse

kept burning through long vigil in struggles

where the trip was monotonous

and burdened by dunes of melancholy’s grains.


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