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LAIR OF THE PENMAN: Though I sleep

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Though I sleep

Though I sleep

beneath the January of my soul,

my heart stilled in the frozen idleness

of the joy that once flowed,

shall I recall the star

that gave me day and guided

across the naked, harsh landscape

tread as trail towards the sunset

where the oasis dreamt

lie as refuge from my tears.


And even when the wind howls

like a banshee with rage and ire,

digs with claws the reach my bone,

will my steps not forsake their journey

because your face is the sun I see.


It hangs in my mind like a are painting

my heart’s masterpiece of happiness

so aglow within my thoughts

over all you mean to me.

a portrait I hold with trembling fingers

while I let the ache of longing burn is pain

deep into my shivering marrow.


In this vale of brutal test

this trek of trials clothed in wounds,

my heart builds its bridge with your words

by the planks of promises you have made

to wait until passage across my December wasteland

brings me to the warm hearth of your arms.


Sobs are shod as the soles of feet

from the ice that covers as loneliness,

which only melts by recalling your image.


Until my pilgrimage passes this cold silence

all I am will walk by your beauty

as the light that never fades

even when I descend into a wintry darkness

should I perish before I’m done

no regrets shall come from my lips

for my last breath will speak my joy

that it was exhaled loving you.


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