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LAIR OF THE PENMAN: The Drops Of Faith

Sunday, November 01, 2009

The Drops Of Faith

When soles stroll bleached and barren sands

far from the terraces of surety,

where the world was unblemished shades

of ivory, claret, emerald, amber and ebony,

muscles didn’t ache and the wind didn’t drain,

and the sun fierce rays weren’t baking the heart,

visions were treasures that never evaporate

the soul could breathe them as life.


It is when the afternoon wears in fatigue

from the passage that feels so weary

that the spirit is tests what we believe.


Words from lips of our hopes and destinations

become mirages when the journey gets too long,

then it its drops of faith like sweat beads,

which are the dew of our truths,

we sip them as that source of stamina

to give enough strength for one more step.


Those are the moments when the iron

forged inside of the Lord

is the metal that can keep us going

as it brings His luster of grace to our thoughts

so it gives us that extra ounce of energy,

one single surge to not let us quit.


When we choose to continue

though it would be so easier to give up,

how mercifully is His love

by painting our heads with memories artistry,

while reviving the spiritual passions that were fading

until we again feel that horizon

burnt its reality as a renewal of sight and quest

for the destination we started out to reach.


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