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Wednesday, September 30, 2009


We talk to much in vanities vocabulary,

rattle sabers to point out the lines

of where greed and angry write their tales.


But it never brings the silence of lust,

nor the ceasing of hate’s parades,

every injustice march for obsession’s sake.

Our speeches of goodwill and statesmanlike ideals

never feed the starving victims of sin’s tyranny

nor stop evil cravings from their ravenous plots.


Can ego be set aside for love?

Would we be willing to let the Lord

be the guardian of our conscience

and the voice we listen to for loyalty?


Perhaps if truth was the clarion call

upon the desires of all our hearts

then we could honestly ask

has this  cruel chess match of power

really brought anything, but grief?


In a moment of confession

admit our war toys never did work

for the games play only had losers.


When we can cease to wave our flags

over graves, martyrs and innocence dead,

accept the lead and spilled blood

will never lead to paradise,

maybe we can then actually raise

a white banner for serenity

to become more fanatical about healing

than conquering.


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