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Monday, March 23, 2009


It is amazing what we can summon from within should the need arise. We can truly be so surprise all that is inside of us in a good way.

It never is that surprising to the Lord. But then He knows us better than we know ourselves.

Now the challenge is to be willing to accept the times He wants to expand our limitations. That can be hard to accept.

There are so many issues that control it. How we see ourselves the level of our confidence, just so many things that impact us.

But the Holy Spirit can always help to empower us beyond our limitations. And that is the joy of trusting Him.

It is the one thing that has helped me on many occasions. For even when I am doubting my abilities I don’t question His power to use me as He wills.

So put all their strength in the areas of positivism. To me that is an issue of selling yourself on how something will work.

I don’t need that in my life. I have seen what the Lord can do regardless of my abilities. So even if I doubt myself, I can still trust Him for a victory.

Too many tie faith to optimism. They think you have to have one in order to accomplish the other.

But the fact is to trust Him doesn’t mean I have to see myself as the source of that power. Just be a willing vessel.

For myself that has always translated into a certain willingness to not see myself as the source of boasting. To see it has the Lord’s glory.

I really am content when something works and it is obvious the Lord did it and not me. Really very happy with that reality.

Some just can’t handle that. They will always regard it as something where they need some credit.

As if their story is what counts. True a witness can be a source of inspiration. But really is the inspiration one that sees the Lord?

That is a hard question to answer at times. And for some next to impossible. For that we can be sad.

At least to the person who isn’t thinking of the purpose being to honor the Lord.


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