Just As I Am
Just as I am
saved by the blood of the Lamb.
No deeds I can ever do
will make drench me in Grace’s dew.
For it is God’s word that literally means
unmerited favor that we can never earn,
showering us with mercy’s unconditional streams
with a peace that cools what guilt makes burn.
It flows as a divine gift of the Lord’s love,
which we accept by faith in Him and not works,
descending to cover us like the wings of a dove,
uncaring all our short fallings, wrongs and quirks.
Lips who depend upon their own strength for salvation
always spin their tales to justify the evil inside,
but the one who has no need for such rationalization
knows God takes us as we are and will always abide.
How oft the legalists fail to learn this simple form of hope
squandering their lives hiding their deeds in the cross’s shade,
ever using the Law to hang shame as a hangman’s rope
constantly waving “thou shalt not” to keep people afraid.
Oh the sweet harmony that avails the wounded soul
who flies upon the Holy Spirit’s breath without need for any hesitation,
sailing serenely with salvation in Christ making one whole
joyous free the rule keepers need to offer excuse’s recitation.
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