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Monday, December 29, 2008


The eyes have sight in the soul that can understand light the mind never sees. If the Holy Spirit is the one touching the vision.

But it is never a perfect vision. Because are imperfect. Pride gets in the way. We end up seeing what we want to see.

Sad, but true our senses are less than capable of seeing the facts at times. We just get bogged down by our bias.

And see that in ourselves can be so hard. It can just make it so difficult to actually be capable of recognizing our blindness.

But that is the process of discovery that always comes in segment and the mind may not care for each occurrence. For that will be other that pleasant at times.

So we must find the process to interpret what the Lord is using to truly help us understand. For knowledge is the key.

And some will never embrace how this process works. They will look on the occurrences with questions instead of faith.

To see and not really see is the sadness. It is the sickness we must admit. Confession’s eyes demand truth.

That we can see within ourselves the reality of our life. This is never a process without pain.

But avoiding the pain by denying its truth never brings more blessings. All the days we serve must have a lesson.

That is one that the Lord will teach. Through His school we become so blessed, even if others can see them.

To move beyond our excuses is an occurrence in itself. One that will always bring its own value.

Providing in the way we approach it we accept our limitations. Including the need to admit when we are wrong.

And be willing to accept we don’t have to know everything either. The real expert knows when we don’t know.

But some will never reach that point. They will always be preoccupied with other priorities, including pretending.

It is a nice act until it fails.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love this one :) It's a feel good, reality check!

*Once Upon A Mind*

11:17 PM  

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