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Monday, October 06, 2008


Departure points to maturity and understanding are not related to age. They can come during the most unexpected times.

The problem is that we might not care to accept them. So we take the time to pretend we are too mature to change.

Which is never a good option in terms of listening to the Lord. He will always want to stir up our lives regardless of our ages.

This doesn't mean we will enjoy them. Not that God is going to consider that a good reason to avoid them.

I recall when I was in this one church. The membership was mainly retired. And the time came when change was facing the future of the church.

It was going to mean more commitment and effort. Not all the time, but more than the lay back casual response the people were used to.

This didn't quite result in joy. The people complained and resisted any chance for changed.

Ultimately the Lord sent me elsewhere. And sadly what happen to the church was it never became its destiny.

The few that went there continue to plod away in the comfort. Singing songs, praying and yet without trusting the Lord.

There is a difference of course between obedience and fruit. We are called to trust and do as the Lord requests.

He can get by without our help, but it is still our need to act on His word. To allow Him to work through us.

Without that activity faith doesn't really get energized. And even when we get old and tired, He can give us strength to deal with it.

But we still must be prepared to listen. And that kind of beginning that digs at our complacency really is the hardest kind of challenge.

I can't blame anyone for being tired. And for wanting to rest. The Lord will always reserve the right to test us.

And age is never and excuse except in our minds. Which never works with Him. But we might think it does.

And never understand how it causes our decay spirituality.


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