What a wonderful word this is. To be able to say you actually gained from some lesson in life.
However, this is not how it happens so often. We often find ourselves in positions other than to respond with the right reaction to a lesson.
Hence we resist when we should say thank you. And we don't accept the meaning of the lesson in the first place.
I spend a lot of time at this one writer's site. It is a wonderful place for anyone who loves to write.
Is it perfect? No. Because nothing made by the hand of man will ever be perfect or even close.
It will always be flawed and that means other than ideal. Now you would think that someone along the way somebody would understand that.
And at least that is part of the problem I have observed. Somewhere the need of the soul gets forgotten.
The tragedy is that you know how often they truth gets missed in the process. That is the real problem.
We each travel the path set before us with predictable detours. Those are not the way that is one we can always control.
We often never learned from the times when run into a dead end. Because we end up doing it again.
That is why at this site I try to focus on encouraging. To not make me the reason for being there.
However, the problem is that is one lesson to many never learn. They will always think only in terms of themselves.
And I think that is what God wants to inspire us about also. To try and see if we can in any way see beyond ourselves.
I wish I could say that happens. But it is one lesson that often doesn't get learned. We simply don't have the ability to always get it.
And God will of course keep giving us homework. Even though we often still don't bother to prepare.
That is what makes the value of grace so important.
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