Ever have one of those days when you vow to yourself that tonight you will change the world. You have an exceptionally bad day and want to make it all better tonight.
The energy swells inside and you make this a life or death issue. Something that you decide you will change no matter what else happens.
Since most of our problems are generally not the type that happen over night you seldom can change them that quickly. Oh it would be nice if you could, but generally can't.
Now naturally this takes more sense and patience than emotion. But that never works that way.
The emotions possess the mind and we are full of resolve. Right up to the point of having dinner.
Then having a full stomach is a big drain on the energy. And you feel less motivated to take the time to worry about change.
Having a nap sounds more appealing and that really never improves much. But you don't have quite the resolve to change the word in one evening.
Still the thought does linger in the mind. And you have the time to probe more deeply into the truth about why you didn't actually react to this problem earlier in life.
Which does not quite help the situation. For it leads to guilt and that never results in anything, but a need to find a way to avoid it.
Now with faith the test is never measure in one night of victory. Some may feel that is a plus, but it isnt.
And that is where life takes a journey with God's help. It is not the flash of big words that matters.
It is the daily steps of trust without fanfare, steadfastly made towards the sun of truth with eyes focused on the Lord. All of which is a travel that never stops.
And even when we stumble we can't reach a place of perfection. We can't change the fact we went in the wrong direction.
We can by embracing His grace learn to keep moving, but without need to feel this is something we can change a will. And without a need to decide we have to say a lot of prayers to make it all better.
Which also is a reality that doesn't work. Just a detour we have to avoid when we can. Hopefully all the time.
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