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Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Ah the times when life gets a tad sappy. We come to a point when the day lends itself to things that are rather mushy.

For some of us this is not necessarily a good thing. Some of us are prone to be less than inclined to such emotional feasts.

I have to admit that while I feel emotions at times very intensely, I don't always have the ability to express those feelings. I just can show them adequately.

It doesn't mean I don't care though. It doesn't mean that I don't want such things as happiness or joy.

I just have to be able to filter it through my own sense of thought. It has to be natural for me or it won't work.

I just can't say how that will work for others. Some truly do have the ability to show their feelings so easy.

At least in a way that looks believable. I'm not sure that means it is always sincere. Some are good actors.

Still what is really important is how we need to be sure that in the process of grasping for our level of happy, we are honest too. And that is the part that really counts.

Not sure we often try to accept this fact. Well for those of us who are prone to be more stoic it is a challenge.

Time does move on though. And that is the important part. So today's definition of joy may not apply to tomorrow.

For that we do have to balance our lives. To be able to try and ask the honest questions. Like what is happiness to us.

That is not the easiest question to answer. Some never seem to be able to express it adequately in their lives.

Which is the joy that comes from following the Lord. He guides us according to His purposes.

And he knows what truly does bring us the right kind of joy for our situation. Some of them will not always make sense at the time.

Others will if we let God show us their meaning. But that takes faith and that is not always something people are willing to do.

I am happy when he leads me to the joy that truly fits my own needs.


Blogger me said...

I have been reading you for quite some time!
Hello, My birth name is Laura,

Thank you for the many posts that have changedd my life! I do hope that you are spreading your messages in a more,"open to the public forum."
Much respect, gratitude and love!


8:36 PM  
Blogger William Robbins said...

Thank you for the wonderful and thoughtful comment. I am so thrilled you have felt blessed by the postings

9:19 PM  

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