A wonderful word for so many purposed. It is always that exception you forget about and think is not a problem.
The ones that ends up making some plan or event totally fail. And you feel so frustrated in the process.
I think at times the buts are there as a means of teaching us a lesson. To remind us we are flawed and not God.
To that end it is a good thing. For if we learn in the process, if we come to a point of trusting the Lord more then it is a blessing.
The other kind of but that is not a lesson is the one where a person is voice a subtle protest to some effort of faith. All the buts voice to say, it can't be done.
There are so many one can find if you want. It isn't hard at all. There is little effort needed to find reasons to fail.
It isn't going to make things better. Just make it part of the many ways we find to not truly belief in God's promises.
The thing is that doubts don't necessarily kill faith. But neither do they strengthen it. Instead they interfere.
But one can not totally eliminate them either. The challenge is to find a way to not ignore them, but be sure you don't let them control things either.
It is a difficult problem at times. Too little but and you are in fantasy land. Too many and you are in a desert.
How does one maintain the proper balance? I don't think there is a perfect answer. I do believe experience is a plus.
Providing it doesn't become a form of but in itself. Then it could be a problem. For it just becomes another reason to quit.
Which is the one thing that never benefits. I have known so many that thought they were pillars of faith, but every word out of their mouth was a but.
Oh they never viewed it that way, but it is how it came out. Which is why so often they never truly were used of God in any noticeable way.
Not to say they never served His purpose, just that it often seem less than what might have been if faith was truly involved. Another tale sadly from memory that didn't have a blessed ending.
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